When you are considering where to spend your advertising dollars for your business in Ardmore, Bensalem, Bryn Mawr, Media, Philadelphia, and the surrounding areas, you’ll get the most value for the dollars with a business sign. Business signs from Bernard Sign will provide a permanent and attractive billboard that is always working for your business. Bernard Sign offers a wide range of styles and colors to help make your business sign a unique piece that will make your business stand out and grab people’s attention. For more than 80 years they have been helping businesses make a statement and attract new customers. Call them to learn how they can help your business stand out with a high-quality business sign.
Channel Letter Business Sign
You’ve seen these kinds of signs all over buildings of nearly any size. These signs have a depth to them which allows for lighting inside to showcase the sign. Stylized to match your business name and brand, these common business signs have proven their worth over decades. Bernard Sign has designed and installed thousands of these kinds of signs, and they can provide you with the same effective business sign for your business.
Other 3-D Outdoor Signs
Another common business sign that is very effective is the regular 3-D sign. These signs can be made from many different materials to provide a different look, and they can also be painted in specific colors to match your business brand. You may see some of these 3-D signs are lit from behind to provide a unique look, and the lights used can be colored to provide an additional layer to your business sign.
Indoor Business Signs
When you first think of having a business sign, you likely imagine a sign on the outside of the building to advertise where you are. But many times having a sign inside the building is also needed to help direct people to your business. In professional buildings, for example, having a nice 3-D sign mounted to the wall in the hall can immediately let people know that they are in the right place for your business. It is also used as a decorative piece, such as behind the reception desk where a cut aluminum sign for your business can really make a statement.
There are countless options for having a business sign for your business in Ardmore, Bensalem, Bryn Mawr, Media, Philadelphia, and the surrounding areas. Call Bernard Sign today to get the process started of making your unique, attention-getting sign for your business.