Bernard Sign Corporation began making signs for the real estate industry. When you do something well, people take notice …and when you excel at it, they tell their friends. Soon we were making signs for other industries throughout Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Delaware. As we continued to grow, we continued to evolve, learning new processes, diving into new technologies, and perfecting new crafts. Soon, more and more businesses requested signs and our reputation for delivering signs that captured their individual visions. Today we design, manufacture, and install not only real estate signs but banners, monuments, LED lettering, window graphics, and more.
Bernard Sign Corporation does not see signs in the same way as most people. More than materials and illumination, we see a sign as an extension of a company’s personality. A sign provides information. It identifies a company. A sign can often become the brand marker for a company, the symbol that brings instant recognition to a particular product or service. A sign can transform a faceless company into a nationally known treasure.
When it comes to signs in Philadelphia, no one knows them like we do.